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Kodi 'Kristy' Akutulutsidwa Ku America?



Takhala tikunena ku iHorror za kanema yemwe timakonda, koma pazifukwa zina sanapange njira yotulutsira ku States. Patsamba lathu la Facebook la iHorror tidatumiza kanema kanema uyu ndikufunsa ngati ichi ndichinthu chomwe mungafune kuti chitulutsidwe pano.


Yankho lake linali EYA wodabwitsa… TIKUFUNA KHRISTU!


Nyenyezi mufilimuyi ndizodabwitsa chabe! Ngati mwakhala mukuwonera nyengo yatsopano ya Kuyenda Dead Mutha kuwona wosewera Chris Coy mufilimuyi. Pamodzi ndi Chris ndi aluso aluso komanso okongola Ashley Greene ndi Haley Bennett. Unali mpweya wa mpweya wabwino kuti muwone kanema wa Horror pomwe ochita seweroli anali pamulingo uwu.

Screen kuwombera 2014-10-24 pa 1.48.07 PM

Kristy Kupitilira zoopsa zina zomwe tidaziwona ndikutulutsa chaka chino (ndikukuyang'anani Annabelle), komabe tsoka la magawidwe aku America silikudziwika bwinobwino. iHorror ikulankhula ndi Director of Kristy, Olly Blackburn, ndipo tikukhulupirira kuti mupeza mayankho enanso nonsenu.

Tiwonenso posachedwa za zosintha zamomwe tingabweretsere Kristy kunyumba!

Ngati mukufuna kuwona Kristy - tiuzeni mu ndemanga!

[youtube id = "FWLh2FeIay4 ign align =" pakati "]


ndikuwonjezera dzina lanu pamndandanda wa anthu omwe akufuna Kristy!


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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Dinani kuti muwononge

Muyenera kulowa nawo kuti mulembe ndemanga Lowani muakaunti

Siyani Mumakonda


Mayi Abweretsa Mtembo Ku Banki Kuti Asaine Mapepala A Ngongole



Warning: This is a disturbing story.

You have to be pretty desperate for money to do what this Brazilian woman did at the bank to get a loan. She wheeled in a fresh corpse to endorse the contract and she seemingly thought the bank employees wouldn’t notice. They did.

This weird and disturbing story comes via ScreenGeek an entertainment digital publication. They write that a woman identified as Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes pushed a man she identified as her uncle into the bank pleading with him to sign loan papers for $3,400. 

If you’re squeamish or easily triggered, be aware that the video captured of the situation is disturbing. 

Latin America’s largest commercial network, TV Globo, reported on the crime, and according to ScreenGeek this is what Nunes says in Portuguese during the attempted transaction. 

“Uncle, are you paying attention? You must sign [the loan contract]. If you don’t sign, there’s no way, as I cannot sign on your behalf!”

She then adds: “Sign so you can spare me further headaches; I can’t bear it any longer.” 

At first we thought this might be a hoax, but according to Brazilian police, the uncle, 68-year-old Paulo Roberto Braga had passed away earlier that day.

 “She attempted to feign his signature for the loan. He entered the bank already deceased,” Police Chief Fábio Luiz said in an interview with TV Globe. “Our priority is to continue investigating to identify other family members and gather more information regarding this loan.”

If convicted Nunes could be facing jail time on charges of fraud, embezzlement, and desecration of a corpse.

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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Pitirizani Kuwerenga


Halowini Yauzimu Imamasula Galu Wowopsa wa 'Ghostbusters'



Pakati pa Halloween ndipo malonda omwe ali ndi chilolezo akutulutsidwa kale patchuthi. Mwachitsanzo, chimphona chamalonda cha nyengo Mzimu Halloween anavundukula chimphona chawo Ghostbusters Agalu Oopsa kwa nthawi yoyamba chaka chino.

Mmodzi-wa-mtundu galu wachiwanda ali ndi maso owala monyezimira, mochititsa mantha. Ikubwezerani ndalama zokwana $599.99.

Kuyambira chaka chino tidawona kutulutsidwa kwa Ghostbusters: Ufumu Wozizira, mwina ukhala mutu wodziwika bwino mu Okutobala. Mzimu Halloween akukumbatira mkati mwawo Venkman ndi zotulutsa zina zomwe zimagwirizanitsidwa ndi chilolezo monga LED Ghostbuster Ghost Trap, Ghostbusters Walkie Talkie, Life-Size Replica Proton Pack.

Tawona kutulutsidwa kwa zida zina zowopsa lero. Home Depot anavundukula zidutswa zingapo kuchokera mzere wawo zomwe zikuphatikiza siginecha ya chigoba chachikulu ndi mnzake wagalu wosiyana.

Kuti mupeze malonda aposachedwa a Halowini ndi zosintha zaposachedwa pitilizani Mzimu Halloween ndikuwona zina zomwe angapereke kuti apangitse anansi anu nsanje nyengo ino. Koma pakadali pano, sangalalani ndi kanema kakang'ono kamene kamakhala ndi zithunzi za galu wakale wamakanema awa.

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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Pitirizani Kuwerenga


'Alendo' Analowa Coachella mu Instagramable PR Stunt



Kuyambiranso kwa Renny Harlin kwa Alendo sichikutuluka mpaka Meyi 17, koma omwe adalowa mnyumba akupha akuyamba kuyimitsa dzenje ku Coachella.

Mu Instagramable PR stunt yaposachedwa, situdiyo yomwe ili kumbuyo kwa kanemayo idaganiza kuti anthu atatu olowa m'maski agwere Coachella, chikondwerero chanyimbo chomwe chimachitika kumapeto kwa sabata ziwiri ku Southern California.


Kulengeza kotereku kunayamba liti ndiyofunikila adachita zomwezo ndi kanema wawo wowopsa kumwetulira mu 2022. Mtundu wawo unali ndi anthu owoneka ngati wamba m'malo okhala anthu amayang'ana mwachindunji mu kamera yokhala ndi njovu yoyipa.


Kuyambiranso kwa Harlin kwenikweni ndi trilogy yokhala ndi dziko lokulirapo kuposa loyambirira.

"Pamene mukukonzekera kukonzanso Alendo, tinkaona kuti pali nkhani yaikulu yoti tinene, imene ingakhale yamphamvu, yochititsa mantha, ndiponso yochititsa mantha ngati mmene inalili poyamba ndipo ingafutukuledi dziko,” adatero wopanga Courtney Solomon. "Kujambula nkhaniyi ngati katatu kumatilola kupanga kafukufuku wowopsa komanso wochititsa mantha. Ndife amwayi kugwirizana ndi Madelaine Petsch, waluso lodabwitsa yemwe khalidwe lake ndilomwe limayambitsa nkhaniyi. "


Kanemayo amatsatira banja lachichepere (Madelaine Petsch ndi Froy Gutierrez) omwe "galimoto yawo itawonongeka m'tawuni yaying'ono yowopsa, amakakamizika kugona m'nyumba yakutali. Mantha amachitika pamene akuwopsezedwa ndi alendo atatu obisika omwe amamenya popanda chifundo ndipo akuwoneka kuti alibe cholinga. The Stranger: Chaputala 1 nkhani yoyamba yochititsa mantha ya mndandanda wa mafilimu ochititsa mantha amene akubwerawa.”


The Stranger: Chaputala 1 itsegulidwa m'malo owonetsera pa Meyi 17.

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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Pitirizani Kuwerenga