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'Black Mirror' Nyengo 5 Yobwera mu 2019, Idzakhala Yowonjezera Kwambiri



Ndakhala ndimakonda mndandanda wabwino wa anthology, kotero mwachilengedwe, ndidagwa pansi mwachangu pa Netflix's. Mirror yakuda pamene ndinaganiza zofufuza. Zotsatizanazi zidayambira pa Channel 4 ku UK, Netflix asanaitenge.

Mirror yakuda mpaka pano yatulutsa nyengo zinayi zazifupi, zokwana 18 zokhazikika, chimodzi chapadera cha Khrisimasi chautali, ndi zomwe zangotulutsidwa kumene. filimu yolumikizana "sankhani zomwe mukufuna kuchita" yotchedwa Bandersnatch.

Bandersnatch Wakuda Galasi

Ngakhale sindiwononga magawo ena munkhaniyi, osanena kuti, Mirror yakuda wadziwika bwino chifukwa chofunitsitsa kupita ndi mathero ovuta kwambiri, kuphatikiza zokhota zomwe zingapangitse Rod Serling kunyadira.

Mwamwayi, mlengi Charlie Brooker akutero The New York Times kuti nyengo 5 idzawona kuwonjezeka kwa kuchuluka kwa magawo oyembekezera. Ngakhale ndizokayikitsa Mirror yakuda adzakhala osangalala mwadzidzidzi, adzakhala osachepera chiyembekezo.

"Tikuchita magawo ndi nkhani zopatsa chiyembekezo, m'malo mongokhala ndi dystopian ndi zoyipa. Tikufuna kuti chiwonetserochi chikhale chosangalatsa kwa ife. ” - Brooker

Ngakhale ndizabwino kudziwa, chinthu chimodzi chomwe sichidziwika bwino ndikuti nyengo 5 idzafika liti. Netflix yatsimikiziridwa kuti pafupi kuti nyengo 5 yakhazikitsidwa kuti itulutsidwe mu 2019, koma palibe zina zomwe zidaperekedwa. Tikukhulupirira kuti sikukhala motalika kwambiri.

Kwa iwo omwe akudabwa chifukwa chake season 5 ikutenga nthawi yayitali, izi zimakhala ndi zambiri zokhudzana ndi zovuta za Bandersnatch, ndi Brooker ndi wochita nawowonetsero Annabel Jones akunena kuti adakhala chaka chonse akugwira ntchito.

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Dinani kuti muwononge

Muyenera kulowa nawo kuti mulembe ndemanga Lowani muakaunti

Siyani Mumakonda


Onerani 'Immaculate' Panyumba Pompano



Just when we thought 2024 was going to be a horror movie wasteland, we got a few good ones in succession, Usiku Wakumapeto Ndi Mdyerekezi ndi Zachikale. The former will be available on Zovuta starting April 19, the latter just had a surprise drop on VOD ($19.99) today and will be getting physical on June 11.

Mafilimuwa Sydney Sweeney fresh off her success in the rom-com Anyone but You, mu Zachikale, she plays a young nun named Cecilia, who travels to Italy to serve in a convent. Once there, she slowly unravels a mystery about the holy place and what role she plays in their methods.

Thanks to word of mouth and some favorable reviews, the movie has earned over $15 million domestically. Sweeney, who also produces, has waited a decade to get the film made. She purchased the rights to the screenplay, reworked it, and made the film we see today.

The movie’s controversial final scene wasn’t in the original screenplay, director Michael Mohan added it later ndipo anati, “It is my proudest directorial moment because it is exactly how I pictured it. “

Whether you go out to see it while it’s still in theaters or rent it from the convenience of your couch, let us know what you think of Zachikale and the controversy surrounding it.

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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Pitirizani Kuwerenga


Wandale Wayimbidwa Ndi Promo Wa 'First Omen' Amayimbira Apolisi



Incredibly, what some people thought they would get with an Omen prequel turned out to be better than anticipated. Maybe it’s partly due to a good PR campaign. Maybe not. At least it wasn’t for a pro-choice Missouri politician and film blogger Amanda Taylor who received a suspicious mailer from the studio ahead of The First Omen’s kumasulidwa.

Taylor, a Democrat running for Missouri’s House of Representatives, must be on Disney’s PR list because she received some eerie promo merch from the studio to publicize Chizindikiro Choyamba, a direct prequel to the 1975 original. Usually, a good mailer is supposed to pique your interest in a film not send you running to the phone to call the police. 

Malinga ndi THR, Taylor opened the package and inside were disturbing children’s drawings related to the film that freaked her out. It’s understandable; being a female politician against abortion it’s no telling what kind of threatening hate mail you’re going to get or what might be construed as a threat. 

“I was freaking out. My husband touched it, so I’m screaming at him to wash his hands,” Taylor told THR.

Marshall Weinbaum, who does Disney’s public relations campaigns says he got the idea for the cryptic letters because in the movie, “there are these creepy drawings of little girls with their faces crossed out, so I got this idea to print them out and mail them to the press.”

The studio, maybe realizing the idea wasn’t their best move, sent out a follow-up letter explaining that it was all in good fun to promote Chizindikiro Choyamba. “Most people had fun with it,” adds Weinbaum.

While we can understand her initial shock and concern being a politician running on a controversial ticket, we have to wonder as a film enthusiast, why she wouldn’t recognize a crazy PR stunt. 

Perhaps in this day and age, you can’t be too careful. 

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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Pitirizani Kuwerenga


A24 Alowa nawo Gulu Lakanema la Blockbuster Ndi Kutsegulidwa Kwawo Kwakukulu Kwambiri



Aliyense alandilidwa A24 ku magulu akulu! Kanema wawo waposachedwa nkhondo Civil wathyoka a zolemba zochepa kumapeto kwa sabata. Choyamba, ndi filimu yotsika mtengo kwambiri ya R pachaka. Chachiwiri, ndiye filimu yotsegulira kwambiri kumapeto kwa sabata ya A24. 

Ngakhale kuti ndemanga za filimuyi zikuyenda bwino, zidakopa chidwi cha okonda mafilimu. Ngakhale kuti chiwonetsero chazithunzi chosamveka sichinawakhumudwitse, adawoneka kuti amachipeza chosangalatsa. Kuphatikiza apo, ogula matikiti ambiri adayamika kamvekedwe ka filimuyi komanso mawonekedwe a IMAX. 

Ngakhale kuti si kanema wowopsa wowongoka, imaluka ulusi pamphepete mwa mtunduwo chifukwa cha nkhani zake zosokoneza komanso zachiwawa. 

Yakwana nthawi kuti A24 atuluke m'makanema odziyimira pawokha ndikulowa mgulu la blockbuster. Ngakhale mawonekedwe awo akulandilidwa ndi gulu la niche, inali nthawi yoti asinthe mipanda kuti apange tsiku lalikulu lolipira kuti apikisane ndi ma studio a behemoth monga. Warner Bros. ndi Universal omwe akhala akupanga ndalama nkhonya pazaka zingapo zapitazi. 

pamene Nkhondo Yapachiweniweni $ Miliyoni 25 kutsegula sikuli ndendende mphepo m'mawu a blockbuster akadali olimba mokwanira mu wamba mafilimu-kupita nyengo kulosera kupambana kwina, ngati si pakamwa, ndiye ndi chidwi. 

A24's wopanga ndalama wamkulu mpaka pano ndi Chilichonse paliponse Nthawi yomweyo ndi ndalama zoposa $77 miliyoni zapakhomo. Ndiye izo Ndilankhuleni ndi oposa $48 miliyoni m'nyumba. 

Si nkhani yabwino yonse. Kanemayo adapangidwira m'nyumba $ Miliyoni 50 kotero ngati ikafika sabata yachiwiri, ikhoza kukhala kulephera kwa bokosi. Izo zikhoza kukhala zotheka monga anyamata kumbuyo Fuula kuyambiransoko, Radio chete, adzakhala pabwalo lachifumu chifukwa cha kunyada kwawo kwa vampire Abigayeli pa Epulo 19. Filimuyi yatulutsa kale nkhani zabwino.

Zoyipa kwambiri nkhondo Civil, Ryan Gosling ndi Emma Stone's omwe akuchita nawo masewera Munthu Wogwa wakonzeka kulanda Nkhondo Yapachiweniweni IMAX zogulitsa nyumba pa Meyi 3. 

Chilichonse chomwe chingachitike, A24 yatsimikizira kumapeto kwa sabata kuti ndi nkhani yoyenera, bajeti yowonjezereka, komanso kampeni yotsatsa yotsatsira, tsopano alowa m'macheza a blockbuster.

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Mvetserani ku 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Pitirizani Kuwerenga